Tuesday 2 September 2014

5 things about the Sandbox Folder Structure:

  • The folder consists of 'Bin32' and 'Bin64' folders. Both are available for use, depending on whether your computer runs a 32bit or a 64bit opertaing system
  • The 'GameSDK' folder is the most important folder, containing FAK files that are responsible for assets such as animation, sound and texture files
  • Most of the folder consists of other folders that store temporary files, such as levels saved on cryengine sandbox, shaders, etc.
  • The folder contains a 'Tools' file that most importantly stores the Settings Manager file, which allows the setup of the CryEngine Build Location, aswell as the 'CryToolInstaller' file, that allows for the installation of plug-ins for adobe photoshop, Max, etc.
  • Overall, the Sandbox folder structure is well organised, containing many folders that are available for advanced users, aswell as important folders that are easily accessible for all users. 

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