Tuesday 2 September 2014

10 tips and tricks about the Sandbox User Interface:

  • Right'clicking on the label 'Perspective' introduces many options to customise the way in which you are viewing the project. By clicking F3, you can change to wireframe perspective
  • If you want to view a specific entity/brush, typing the name of the it in the search bar next to the FOV display will isolate any other entity/brush in the level, except for the one specified in the search bar. 
  • By selecting an entity, it will lock onto it, displaying its descriptions on the bottom of the window
  • During editor mode, by enabling AIPhysics, this will allow any AI present in the level to move around live in the level
  • To teleport to a certain position in the level, the 'go to position' function on the bottom of the level will allow this, by entering the desired coordinates 
  • The console on the bottom of the window will allow many commands, such as disabling/enabling sound, motion blur, etc
  • The roll up bar is the most useful function in manipulating the level
  • It contains functions for modifying terrain, AI, entities, textures, rendering, etc
  • The tabs on the top of the window serve as general use. For example,  'File' allows to open, save and create new levels, exporting the level to the engine, etc. 
  • The toolbar underneath the latter contains commands that allow editing of entities/brushes, such as selection, placement and rotation

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