Sunday 7 September 2014

1xCryEngine3 Environment and Files:


1xStrategy Statement:

The strategy I will be following to conceal and reveal the letter 'P' and the number '8' is the use of manoeuvring throughout the island using macro and micro scaling. Initially, smaller scaled representations of the letter and number will be presented in the trailer, in an obscure manner, for example, the close-up of 8 cans placed in an orderly manner to create the shape of the number itself. As the trailer progresses, the letter and number will start to reveal itself more openly, as for example, a road in the shape of the number 8 will be seen in the background, using the foliage and vegetation in advantage as the foreground to conceal the number. Towards the end, the number and letter will be revealed, as the camera zooms out and scales across the whole island, in a macro scale, revealing that the island was in the shape of a P the entire time. 

1x Weekly Blogs:

Provided within my blog


Provided within blogs of week 3 and 4

1x 120 sec Video Trailer

Rain, fog and waterfalls:

Tuesday 2 September 2014


  • The keys 'w', 's', 'a', and 'd' are the main keys used to move around the island, aswell as your mouse to manipulate the camera. Holding 'shift' will allow faster movement.Holding the scroll button of your mouse allows for panning, and holding the right button of your mouse allows for manipulating the camera angle. Holding 'ALT+scroll button' will rotate the camera around the middle of the screen.
  • By pressing 'CONTROL+G' this will enter game mode, and will allow manoeuvring through the level using first-person mode 
  • The 'go to position' tab on the bottom of the window will direct the user to a specific position on the level using coordinates.

Using Interface Panels-Overview:

  • 'SHIFT+SPACE' to enable helpers when selecting entities
  • 'Time of Day' allows tweaking of the Sun's position in the sky(time), Sun shine direction, sky, and fog.
  • The 'Roll-up Bar' is a very important feature that allows most customisation functions such as entities, brushes, terrain, rendering, etc.
  • In the roll-up bar, navigating to brush>browser displays all brushes that can be placed on the level. By selecting the name of a brush and dragging it onto the level, this will allow the placement of the brush onto the level
  • The 'Open asset browser', will open a window to allow the browsing of all assets in the level, such as sound, brushes, entities, etc. 

10 tips and tricks about the Sandbox User Interface:

  • Right'clicking on the label 'Perspective' introduces many options to customise the way in which you are viewing the project. By clicking F3, you can change to wireframe perspective
  • If you want to view a specific entity/brush, typing the name of the it in the search bar next to the FOV display will isolate any other entity/brush in the level, except for the one specified in the search bar. 
  • By selecting an entity, it will lock onto it, displaying its descriptions on the bottom of the window
  • During editor mode, by enabling AIPhysics, this will allow any AI present in the level to move around live in the level
  • To teleport to a certain position in the level, the 'go to position' function on the bottom of the level will allow this, by entering the desired coordinates 
  • The console on the bottom of the window will allow many commands, such as disabling/enabling sound, motion blur, etc
  • The roll up bar is the most useful function in manipulating the level
  • It contains functions for modifying terrain, AI, entities, textures, rendering, etc
  • The tabs on the top of the window serve as general use. For example,  'File' allows to open, save and create new levels, exporting the level to the engine, etc. 
  • The toolbar underneath the latter contains commands that allow editing of entities/brushes, such as selection, placement and rotation

5 things about the Sandbox Folder Structure:

  • The folder consists of 'Bin32' and 'Bin64' folders. Both are available for use, depending on whether your computer runs a 32bit or a 64bit opertaing system
  • The 'GameSDK' folder is the most important folder, containing FAK files that are responsible for assets such as animation, sound and texture files
  • Most of the folder consists of other folders that store temporary files, such as levels saved on cryengine sandbox, shaders, etc.
  • The folder contains a 'Tools' file that most importantly stores the Settings Manager file, which allows the setup of the CryEngine Build Location, aswell as the 'CryToolInstaller' file, that allows for the installation of plug-ins for adobe photoshop, Max, etc.
  • Overall, the Sandbox folder structure is well organised, containing many folders that are available for advanced users, aswell as important folders that are easily accessible for all users.